The perfect team
Kevin Claunch, @Claunchinator,
Wrestling is great, and I imagine you feel the same way if you have made it this far. For me, the sport helped me learn a lot about myself, and helped me integrate a work ethic that is second to none into all aspects of my life. Regardless, I now follow the sport with a tenacity that is only matched by the D, and with that knowledge and ever flowing thirst for more knowledge, I feel the need to share some of it and my thoughts on the subject. This so happens to be that forum, and I appreciate you checking it out.
Tommy Baranoski, @KOATIG
I started wrestling in tournaments when I was 5, and have always enjoyed going takedowns with anyone. Now that I am old and slow, I like to watch, write about, talk about, coach and ref as much wrestling as humanly possible.
Rob Aikens @RobertAikens
Rob was an NWCA All-American at Grand Valley State University and an all-around stud.
Austin Early @airearly
Austin is an avid Freestyle and Greco fan, and a high school wrestling coach in Indiana. When not doing wrestling related things, Austin enjoys spending time with his family.