Welcome to Detroit
/Detroit Michigan is a special place, especially for sports. From the Bad Boy Pistons, to Barry Sanders, to Miguel Cabrera crushing Home Runs, and the Detroit Red Wings championships in the 90s and 2000s, it’s been a great place for sports. I mean, not really recently. It’s kind of been a dumpster fire, but that doesn’t mean that the fans of the sports teams and the city aren’t any less passionate. This March we have the pleasure of hosting the NCAA Wrestling Tournament, and like I did three years ago when the tournament was in Pittsburgh, I’m here to give you a heads up on what to do in between sessions and what to check out when you’re spending a couple of days in Detroit. Before we focus on Detroit, here are a couple of tips for anyone attending NCAA’s regardless of the city and venue.
A veteran move for any NCAA trip is to have a designated table/seat getter. This person’s job is to leave the session early enough to head to the designated eating/drinking establishment in between sessions. There is nothing more frustrating than getting someplace to hang and talk about the awesome wrestling you just watched, only to need to stand in a corner and wait to snag a table. Usually at that point everyone is tremendously thirsty as well, so quick service is paramount.
That being said, this move only works if there is a plan in place. Know where you’re going, how many people you can expect to be there, and make sure everyone is on the same page. Otherwise you’re left texting people trying to figure out where they are going and aimlessly roaming a new city in hopes of finding a wait that’s less than 45 minutes. That’s what I’m hoping this helps you avoid. You’ll have options to choose from based on food/drink choice, activities, and other fun stuff to explore. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Detroit Rock City.
If museums and such are your thing, we’ve got that link here; https://www.busytourist.com/things-to-do-in-detroit-michigan/
That’s not what this is. Full transparency, this is a list of places to drink and eat. That’s pretty much my plan in between sessions, so let’s begin. Shoutout to Jillian Flores who helped me compile this list of places for you. Though I’m from Ann Arbor, and have frequented the Detroit area from time to time, I relied on someone I trust as someone with an awesome sense of adventure and love for Detroit. She split this up into some easy to follow categories as well. Thanks Jillian.
Breakfast is in fact the most important meal of the day. Especially considering these couple of days are a marathon of activity. The wrestlers are the ones putting in the work, but that doesn’t mean that stamina isn’t an important quality for the spectators as well. The Dime Store (0.9 miles from Little Caesars Arena, 19 minute estimated walk); https://www.eatdimestore.com/, lauds itself as the Best Brunch in Detroit. Also cool, is that they serve this incomparable brunch all day long. Additionally, solid cocktails (Bloody Mary’s are a personal favorite of mine on weekends like this) and beer options to choose from. Next we have Hudson Cafe (0.7 miles from LCA, 14 minute walk); https://hudson-cafe.com/detroit-the-hudson-cafe-menus-45031. Another strong option for breakfast. From french toast, pancakes, omelets, and Bloody Mary’s (it’s a theme here), they’ll provide affordable breakfast options on your way to the arena as well.
Restaurants are crucial to a great experience. On my first night in Cleveland I remember going to a nice restaurant and getting a really nice Steak Dinner. Shout out to Brandon, Ben, Casual Dave, and Taylor Miller. That was a good time. If you should choose to have a solid dinner to get things started, or looking for some excellent lunch choices as well, here are some strong options. Bakersfield (0.2 miles from LCA, 5 minute walk); https://www.bakersfieldtacos.com/. I’m going to be angling hard for this place. Tacos, Tequila, Whiskey. Some things don’t need much more marketing than that, but if you do simply check out the menu. I’ll be frequenting, and I’ll be damned if I don’t hang with someone from CSUB here at least once. The Brakeman (0.6 miles from LCA and 13 minute walk); https://www.thebrakemandetroit.com/. The Brakeman is an American beer and rec hall featuring rotating drafts of craft beers and service up buckets of fried chicken, honey-butter biscuits, and local farm stand sides. I’m certainly down for some chicken and beer (also the name of a tremendous Ludacris album). Lafayette Coney Island (0.9 miles from LCA, 18 minute walk) https://www.facebook.com/Lafayette-Coney-Island-143071722397988/. You know this place is good because it has a Facebook page for a website. Seriously though, this was where I had my fourth meal in the wee hours of the morning the last time I was in Detroit. It was marvelous. I highly recommend you do the same. Quick, easy, sloppy, delicious, perfect.
Fancy Restaurants are also really nice sometimes. If fancy feasts are your thing, you should check out Grey Ghost (0.2 miles from LCA, 5 minute walk); https://greyghostdetroit.com/. Grey Ghost Detroit was born of dedicated craftsmen, committed to the art of butchery, refinement of crafting cocktails, and unparalleled hospitality. It’s name a nod to the alias of the most notorious rum running pirate on the Detroit River during prohibition. If you’re ever having a bad day, just remember that prohibition was a thing, and you’ll be fine. There’s some fancy stuff here, and solid steak options, along with oysters. I’ve never had oysters, but that’s mostly because I just haven’t had the chance. Maybe I will while in Motown. Selden Standard (0.9 miles from LCA, 19 minute walk); http://www.seldenstandard.com/. This place looks really fancy. Open Wednesday through Sunday from 5-10pm, and appears to need reservations. Exclusivity is a big deal, which is what this looks like. If that’s your thing, should be a good investment in time and finances.
Bars This list will be executed in a quicker and more direct fashion.
Tin Roof (0.5 miles, 10 minute walk) https://www.tinroofdetroit.com/. This place has a boat load of awesome events. Live music, Leprechaun Lounge on Saint Patrick's Day, and solid drink and food specials. They list their food as “better than bar food” and who am I to question their judgment?
Second Best (0.2 miles, 5 minute walk) https://secondbestdetroit.com/. Chill regular man bar. This looks to be a solid spot to put down some Strohs, Hamms, Rolling Rock, or to enjoy a Bell's Two Hearted. I’ll be here at some point. Across the street from Bakersfield, so keep that in mind as well.
Bookies Bar & Grille (0.5 miles, 11 minute walk) http://www.bookiesbar.com/. Similar to Second Best, this is a chill spot to grab some beer and nachos. Corona buckets for $20, and offers a shuttle service. Not sure that’ll be necessary considering how close it is to LCA, but it’s an option.
Old Shillelagh (0.9 miles from LCA, 19 minute walk) https://www.oldshillelagh.com/. This place is great. It’s got several floors, lots of drink options, solid food menu, and is just generally a good time. I frequented many a time when going out in Detroit. It’s going to be bonkers on Saint Patricks Day (Thursday, 3/17), but they open that morning at 7am and have a huge heated tent party with live music. Might be worth looking into anyway, but absolutely check it out before you leave Detroit. It’s also near the Greektown Casino, which we’ll cover shortly.
Hopcat (0.8 miles, 17 minute walk) https://www.hopcat.com/?utm_source=gmb&utm_medium=yext, the original one of these is in Grand Rapids, so I can speak to this very well. A crap ton of beer options, delicious food and fries (they used to call them “crack fries”, but it turns out crack is bad, so they changed the name). If checking out a variety of beers from all over the place is your thing, this is the place to do that.
Founders (0.4 miles, 9 minute walk) https://foundersbrewing.com/brewery/detroit/. Another Grand Rapids original, Founders has some great beer. Less options as far as diversity of breweries goes, but when the beer from this single brewery is so good, then it’s hard to ask for more. Centennial is one of my favorites, as well as Mas Agave. Enjoy yourself.
Barcade (0.9 miles, 19 minute walk) https://barcadedetroit.com/. It’s beer, food, and arcade games. They even keep track of the high scores. This is my thing. I will be here. I’ll go alone if I have to, but I’ll be here at least once.
Checker Bar (1 mile, 21 minute walk) http://checkerbar.com/. Similar setup to Barcade, but I believe fewer games. Most importantly, they have Karaoke on Thursdays. I’ll check that out.
Casinos bring the 24/7 chance, adventure, and flair that only the true marathon Men and Women of this NCAA week will enjoy. Having lost $120 in about 40 minutes in my first trip to the Soaring Eagle Casino on my 18th birthday, I didn’t get the the draw, but if Casinos are for you, then I can recommend either MGM Grand Detroit (0.7 miles from LCA, 13 minute walk; https://mgmgranddetroit.mgmresorts.com/en.html?icid=GMB_Hotel_MD), or Greektown (1 mile, 21 minute walk, https://www2.greektowncasino.com/casino?gclid=CjwKCAiAprGRBhBgEiwANJEY7NR8V9_UzzTSTv7_BTcF5YJ5oZ7EPQLSi9dSVv8JOa5O-W-BQ0iPoBoC9ZoQAvD_BwE).
This should give you plenty of options to enjoy while you’re in town. We’re here for the wrestling, but while in town, make sure you take in the sights and sounds of Motown. Hell, Mom’s Spaghetti is only a brisk 7 minute walk down Woodward Ave from LCA as well, so you can check that out. Remember, designate someone to snag your table at your pre planned establishment, and enjoy yourself. Rock on!