2014 Matches of the Year!
/2014 was filled with some amazing wrestling action. Here are some of our favorite videos of the year.
This is the 74kg US Open final between Jordan Burroughs and David Taylor. Taylor has a 3 point lead late, but then Burroughs shows why he is the best wrestler walking the planet right now.
I actually did a whole article on this match already if you want to scroll back. It is a crazy match with a little bit of everything you want.
Russian 18 year old, Sadulaev, lived up to the hype at the 2014 World Championships. It may not be a great match, but it is so impressive to see a barely adult walk his way through the bracket.
Adeline Gray was losing 9-2 in this match before storming back for a crazy last minute of this awesome match.
This may be a surprising choice, but it is interesting to me. Nelson knows how to win in NCAA wrestling and Gwiazdowski had to overcome it to pull off the title. The commentary on this video adds to what is a great watch.
Penn State was on its way to a 4th straight NCAA title, but in the dual this pin changed everything. What would be a top list if it didn't include the most exciting wrestler in the country?