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Henry Cejudo... I thought you retired.

The greatest wrestling match that I've ever seen was Nick SImmons vs Henry Cejudo at the 2012 Olympic trials. Two absolutely phenomenal wrestlers pulling out all the stops, knowing that they would have to take risks in order win, and risks were certainly taken. I hadn't seen two more talented wrestlers leave all of their pride and history behind, then step on the mat as if their life was on the line. Sadly, I have never been able to find footage of this match, but it's the best match that I have seen to date. With that being said, after Simmons beat the defending Olympic champion to make his way into the Olympic trial finals, Cejudo took off his shoes, and threw them into the crowd. 

He retired in front of everyone, and I kind of liked it. I read his book, it was alright. It begins with him being yelled at by a Brands (seems right) because he was something like 12 pounds overweight on the day of the weigh ins (wait...what?). How are you talented enough to make it that far, but without any level of discipline to actually achieve your goals? Without getting into how strange his book was, Terry Brands did his job, and Cejudo made weight and won an Olympic Gold Medal in 2008. He promptly left wrestling and began floating around into other sports. He boxed for a while, he did well, but to just leave everything doesn't make sense to me.

It's not my job to understand his motives, or what he wants to do with his life, so then my man Henry decided to go to the UFC, I was pretty excited. He's back, he's going to do some work, and he's going to combine his wrestling and boxing and maybe this is what he should be doing. Then he missed weight for his first big fight. This seems like it's becoming habitual. Anyway, I'm done with getting my hopes up with this dude. He "retired" from wrestling at 25 years old? So there are people who benefit from great coaching, and there are those who NEED great people around them to succeed. I feel like Hank surrounded himself with the wrong people, and I'm looking forward to him not making weight for Agon coming up. Maybe it's selfish on my part to hope these things, but I'm confident that Terry Brands and his coaching staff won that gold medal in 2008, not Hank Cejudo. Tony Ramos is about to beat up an overweight and out of shape Hank Cejudo and force him to throw his shoes back into the crowd at Carver Hawkeye.
