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Midlands Picks

This year's Midlands brackets are out and the annual tournament should be a fun one with a lot of movement in the rankings at the end of it. Every year Kevin & I put 12 bottles of beverage goodness on who can best the other. For some reason, Kevin has had the upper hand in the Midlands and that's a trend I would love to reverse. 

It's pretty easy scoring and please play along if you like. Pick the finals and get a point for each finalist that makes the finals, and then two points if your champion wins. So the maximum amount of points per weight class is four. Feel free to comment below with your picks or email them to me at koatig@yahoo.com to beat the idiots!


Kevin: Gilman over Lambert

Tommy: Gilman over Lambert


Kevin: Gross over Hall

Tommy: Gross over Richards


Kevin: Kolodzik over Ashnault

Tommy: Kolodzik over Jack


Kevin: Sorensen over Oliver

Tommy: Sorensen over Oliver


Kevin: Heffernan over Tsirtsis

Tommy: Kemerer over Heffernan


Kevin: Martinez over Sebastian

Tommy: Martinez over Walsh


Kevin: Valencia over Meyer

Tommy: Valencia over Meyer


Kevin: Jackson over Renda

Tommy: Dudley over Renda


Kevin: Harner over LeFever

Tommy: Studebaker over Beazley


Kevin: Medbery over Hall

Tommy: Medbery over Stoll